Skin And Coffee; Expert Debunks Myths and Shares Tips
Ladies and Gents - we all care about our skin.
And I've always wondered if drinking coffee meant I was giving up good skin? So I have invited Newport Beach Skin Care Center's skin esthetician, Fernanda Heckman to finally give it to us straight: Can we still be in a healthy relationship with a good ol' cup of Joe?
Q: Alright, let's clear the air here right away. What are some of the biggest coffee myths you have heard in regards to your skin?
The biggest myth that I hear constantly about coffee is that drinking a cup
of coffee a day will dehydrate your skin to the point of eventually looking
like a wrinkly old lady. NOT TRUE! While over-consumption of coffee can
dehydrate you, a cup or 2 a day is not enough to cause a dry, wrinkly
Q: How can drinking coffee help your skin?
That I know of coffee consumption does not enhance the skin. However,
coffee beans contain caffeine and therefore work wonders on the skin
when applied topically. When applied topically to the skin, it constricts the
blood vessels under the eyes to reduce swelling and puffiness. The natural
diuretic components of coffee can banish cellulite when rubbed into the
skin. Additionally coffee grounds can exfoliate and brighten skin, make hair
shiny, and even stimulate faster hair growth!
Q: What are the negative effects coffee can have on your skin?
Honestly, coffee consumption in moderation is virtually harmless to your
skin. You can run into problems when you overconsume it. Too much
caffeine can put excessive stress on your liver. When the liver is stressed
it is hard for our bodies to naturally detox. This can sometimes result in an
increase in age spots (hyperpigmentation).
Q: What about coffee as a topical scrub? What are the effects for your face and body? Do you have any home remedies?
Ground coffee beans can exfoliate and brighten skin, as well as banish
cellulite. An easy remedy is to combine ½ cup of ground coffee, ½ cup of
coconut palm sugar, and ¼ cup of coconut oil. This is great for a face or
body scrub. For the body only, add 1 tspn of ground cinnamon. Rub your
problems away.
Q: What are some of the biggest tips you can give to help better take care of your skin? (Especially for us coffee drinkers ;)
Its simple. Use quality products with great ingredients (in my practice I use
Image Skin Care). Get a monthly facial because this mimics the body’s
once natural ability to turn over dead skin cells and produce collagen every
28-32 days the way we did in our youth. And finally, always use sunblock,
(even when its cold and overcast).
Is there anything else you'd like to add that you think readers would find interesting?
Did you know that coffee is not actually a bean? It’s actually a pit from a
cherry-like berry that grows on bushes.
Fernanda is a paramedical esthetician and wellness contributor at You can follow her skin and glam adventures on instagram at @LipstickandlungesOC :)
Mugs Up to the lovely Fernanda! (Isn't she gorgeous?!)