Quick Stop in San Antonio: Coffee, Beer & Industrial Sites

Lets's first start off with a note thanking all of our soldiers who defend our beautiful country today and really everyday. Happy Memorial Day to everyone! (which is the day I started writing this post back towards the end of May) Hope you squeezed every last drop of the long three-day weekend. 

It's fitting that I was in Texas for Memorial Day and more so, that I was in the city home to the Alamo.

I was there to crash the celebratory events for a friend's promotion in the Air Force. (Ale - if you're reading this, you're the most bad ass Lieutenant I know. Also shout out to your husband who is probably one of the few people that actually read this blog.  I'll try to keep this post short Aaron - but I can't make any promises.)

Anyway, in my travels I usually try to sneak in coffee shop rendezvous without having to drag my friends along. This often happens in the early hours when the hangover is fierce and my friends are pretty much dead.  I can sneak out, be *dorky with my camera and return without anything amiss (mainly because my personality is typically always high-energy, with or without the assistance of caffeine.) 

But this time I wrangled some fellow coffee addicts for the journey. And so we embarked - a whole 7 minute's walk from the apartment - to Local Coffee. 

Great layout, great vibes and good coffee. 

Great layout, great vibes and good coffee. 


San Antonio is a city pouring with history. There is the Alamo (which is I honestly found underwhelming in size - but of course it's story is anything but) and a rustic industrial look-and-feel throughout the town. Maybe some of that was because some parts were once industrial warehouses or because some are exactly that - barren, industrial warehouses. 

I promise I'm getting somewhere.

I found Local Coffee, one of San Antonio's favorite specialty coffee shops, dressed in this same steel and light fixture attire.  I told my friend Kaitlin, a fellow coffee addict and also design archetict proudly, "I feel like this is an extension of the rest of San Antonio's industrial's look."  (Nice Erica! You can't be wrong if you're entirely vague!) Anyway, it's look isn't necessarily unique, but it's placement in the city is spot on. 


 It's tucked in an old square town and just across the way is a fabulous restaurant and brewery.  The name is escaping me at the moment, but I'll update this post when I know! 


(*Aren't my shots more impressive knowing that my brain is half mush while taking them? Just kidding. They are just always average. )


Anyway, I promise I'm trying to get in the habit of trying out more pour-overs when I travel so I can deliver the best coffee feedback posssible.  But cortados are just so friendly to sip up and hey: Why fix something that ain't broken?! #amiright  

Anyway, I did enjoy my cortado but felt that I did miss out on some other choice items. I also want to note that the barista service was one of the most kind that I've received so that's always just awesome. 

If you fellow coffee nerds have any suggestions to San Antonio coffee please send them my way! Or just coffee recommendations in general - you can leave a note below (likes don't hurt either) 😉


Cheers my fellow Nomads.  

Mugs Up 🤘🏻

The Coffee Nomad

(Forgive spelling errors: posted from my cellular device.)