My Experience with The Bucketlist Bombshells

This post is for anyone who is interested in working independently to travel the world*

*No really, the world.

Hi everyone.

Today, I wanted to share with ya'll a little something different.

A couple of months ago, I had been mindlessly scrolling through Facebook.  And somehow - amongst all that is politics and engagement photos - I stumbled across and old high school classmate's post.  It was another picture of her in Bali but also something about a course that can position you to travel the world.

Actually my life.


A lot of things went through my mind; like how I have seen so many of these classes before and have participated in such-and-such virtual workshops and other courses to become an "infopreneur."  And I thought that maybe this program, Bucketlist Bombshells, was meant for the graphic designer or maybe someone proficient in coding. But I was wrong.  

I immediately learned you don't need to have graphic design skills.  Or know much about coding, etc.  Rather, they've built three separate courses all designed to teach you the skills you need and know how to properly implement them.  I really liked this clarity about the layout. There's a Tech course, a Design course and finally a How to Work and Travel the World Course. 

I couldn't believe I was creating my own brand mood board within my first week.  I was creating logo lockups and mockups.  I was guiltlessly pining through Pinterest for inspiration because it was part of the assignment.  I felt like I finally could have direct creative control of my own projects and grew excited that I would be able to do this for clients one day.

I also grew confident as a business woman in the course.  My own brand has a lot going on and I have been struggling with how to structure it.  But in the How to Work and Travel the World Course, I was taught how to structure my own packages, configure pricing, use the latest tools and platforms to help keep track of time, send invoices, do reports, etc.  It's pretty much the Bible on how to thrive as a freelancer - a service I was very much winging.

After-the-course feels.

Perhaps my favorite part of the entire experience was being able to be a part of a community of other badass "bombshells" that are looking to travel the world. People would share their latest designs, get feedback or share with us the moment they received their first client and girls who quit their daytime financing jobs and booked one-way tickets to Bali with a client or two already in their pocket.

And I know, you are waiting for my life-changing moment/story as a result with this course.  Well, you will soon be looking at it.  My own Coffee Nomad brand has served as a portal for many opportunities but now I am excited to re-launch The Coffee Nomad with a set plan in mind many thanks to the Bucketlist Bombshells.

Full disclosure, I didn't pay for the course in exchange for documenting my experiences with ya'll and being completely transparent about it.  But I can tell you, I'd pay for it all over again; it's worth every damn cent. 

If you have any questions about the course or want to learn more about setting yourself up to achieve your dream opportunities feel free to email me at or say hello to Cassie and Shay yourself at @bucketlistbombshells on Instagram or visit their website at The Bucketlist Bombshells.

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