Black Tap Coffee - Charleston, S.C. Coffee ShopsEricaSeptember 14, 2016Black Tap Coffeetravel, charleston, black tap coffee, black tap, south carolina, specialty coffee, third waveComment
PART 4: Apasionado Coffee - Farmer's Wages & Children's Futures The last part to the Apasionado Coffee Farm Series: The Future for Coffee Farmers. Read More Origin TripsEricaDecember 12, 2015coffee, travel, specialty coffee, third wave, apasionado coffee, yehuda lilo, bolivia, apasionadoComment
Third Wave Coffee In Barcelona is the First Wave of It's Kind Travel, Coffee ShopsEricaJuly 27, 2015coffee, specialty coffee, barcelona, third wave, third wave coffee, coffee addicts, travel, coffee blogger, spain, coffee blog, coffee cultureComment